Contest from Honda Motorcycles

Win a 500 euro gift voucher for accessories

Motorcycles with more freedom...
The pleasure of feeling the wind while maintaining total control.
The feeling of becoming one with the open road.

Honda prides itself on innovating "to give you the ultimate happiness on your bike, because we believe that no ride should be boring. We want to hear what DCT owners have to say and have them be the stars of Honda's new informative video." That's why it's "running" a contest for owners of Honda motorcycles with a DCT transmission.

Honda "celebrates" the DCT

So you own a Honda motorcycle with a DCT dual clutch automatic transmission? Be the star of the Honda DCT video today, and claim a gift voucher worth up to €500 for accessories for your bike!

Send us a video with a maximum length of 1 minute and explain to us, WHY DCT? How does it feel when you ride your bike? What has changed in your life with DCT? What do you love about DCT?

Links and instructions for the competition can be found below

The competition has started and will run until 30/9.

The 3 entries that will earn the most likes on the official website CONTEST - Honda Motorcycles ( will be the BIG WINNERS and will win a 500€ gift voucher for motorcycle accessories. All participants, whose video they send (in whole or in part) will be used for the creation of the final informative video "WHY DCT?", will become "WINNERS" and will win a 300€ gift voucher for motorcycle accessories.

Register now:

Watch the video of Thanasis Choudras explaining the advantages of the DCT dual-clutch transmission.
Why DCT by Thanasis Choudras, instructor of the Riding School Academy

Read more about the DCT gearbox and watch the Honda Motorcycles videos