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Review Ethics

We know that for most of us, buying a car is the second biggest investment we will ever make. Our aim is to provide accurate and informative news, reviews and advice, which is independent of advertisers or vehicle brands, to help you make the right choice when buying your car.

Our team of journalists strives to provide an objective evaluation of vehicles, with ratings based on the category to which the model belongs and comparison with other vehicles on the market.

Our relationship with vehicle brands

The vehicles used by our journalists for the evaluation are generally supplied directly by the respective brands. Often our journalists attend events as guests of the vehicle brands or their suppliers, with travel, accommodation and meals also generally provided.

Advertising policy

As a business, we rely on advertisers, but those advertisers do not influence our news, reviews or advice. Where we produce content and there is commercial interest, we do not hide this relationship and where this happens, it is disclosed in our content.

In any case, we maintain a clear distinction between advertisements and Editorial Content. All advertisements on the properties of are clearly and unambiguously identified as such. Clicking on an advertisement takes the user to the advertiser's website.

We clearly point out the sponsored content

If any content has been paid for or sponsored, we will identify it directly as such. The word "Advertorial" is used to describe such content that has received paid sponsorship. Although the sponsor may provide suggestions about the sponsored content, the is not obliged to accept any proposals provided by the sponsor.

We do not endorse any advertised product or service

Although products may appear on our website in the form of advertisements, under no circumstances will our acceptance of any advertisement be deemed an endorsement of the advertised product(s) and/or service(s) or the company that manufactures, distributes or promotes those products or services. In some cases,'s editorial team may evaluate or rank certain products or services. These ratings or rankings are determined solely by the Editorial Team without regard to any financial or promotional relationship that may exist with the companies providing the product or services.

How we evaluate cars

  1. Performance : The performance rating represents the reviewer's written assessment of a car's handling, brakes, acceleration, roll quality and other qualitative performance measures.
  2. Road behaviour :
  3. Fun factor :
  4. Interior & Practicality : The interior score represents the reviewer's written assessment of the car's comfort, features, cargo space, style and build quality.
  5. Fuel consumption/economy : As a component of the performance rating, the fuel economy rating is based on the combined estimate of litres per 100 km for the standard version of the model with manual transmission.
  6. Show :
  7. What grade do you give him?

In addition to the analysis of professional reviews, we add information that is of particular interest to new car buyers, such as data on safety, reliability, fuel economy, load and towing/carrying capacity, which are not always part of the reviewers' qualitative ratings.

We combine these scores into a formula with weightings that vary according to the vehicle category. This means that sports cars are rated differently from minivans, for example, to align with buyers' expectations for each category. The result is an overall score for each new car, which allows us to make comparisons between new vehicles in a particular category, ranking them against each other. The overall score and the score of each component ranges from zero to 10, with 10 being the best possible score.

We want to be fair, thorough and informative so you can form your own opinion of the vehicle. You may want to buy it. Maybe you just want to compare it to something else. Regardless, we take this responsibility seriously.

We assess it in terms of its driving character, interior and exterior design, technology and safety. We look at metrics such as fuel economy, horsepower, and balance them with subjective factors such as comfort, usability, and style. We put our expertise and experience from driving these cars into the ratings, so you can know at a glance if this is a product you should be interested in buying.


We take a broad look at the vehicle, its competitive set and its market position. The scale is quite simple. We score from 1 to 10, to the nearest 0.1. Here's the analysis:

1-3 - Very Bad, Not recommended
4 - Bad, Substandard in conception, execution or both
5-6 - Medium
7 - Good, above average. I would recommend it
8-9 - Very good
10 - Excellent. A milestone for the automotive industry

Whether we're looking at an honest SUV or a supercar, we always rely on our tried and tested evaluation criteria to give you a fair and justified verdict.