The truth about Tesla and Greece!

The founder and owner of Tesla, Elon Muskhe's a very strange man. For some, he is, in a miniature way, the real-life Iron Man, since legend has it that Hollywood movies drew inspiration from his life. He's not your average businessman, operating solely for profit. Most importantly, he is not predictable. Not predictable at all. Somehow... unpredictably, Musk, according to reports from TopSpeed.grhas decided to "energraft." onν Tesla, in Greece.
Η Tesla, confirms to that in the distant future the company will "support 5 supercharger stations in Greece", the first of which will be set up in Athens, on Attiki Odos. Although the information from the US is coming in dribs and drabs, even this confirmation of the creation and support of electric car charging stations is "big news". This is because until recently our country was outside the "network" of supercharger stations being built in Europe. Even this, however (given that one can see how the supercharger stations will "run through" Greece) is probably sufficient (😉 to tell us a lot about the intentions of the American company.
Because in numbers, in sales, since there is no dealership (there have been some contacts, even though Tesla has a veryacquired delegations), and the creation of the network for "guest cars" does not exactly "fit". "But, well, what can be the meaning of Installation of superchargers in Greece, if not done  introduction of Tesla's all-electric models to the market?", you might ask. The question, it goes without saying, but it finds its answer - in part - in Musk's far-reaching, unconventional plans.

            The plan

As the sources of point out, the design of Musk wanted Tesla to have opened the its first delegation in Greece, in the end of September. For more than two years preparations are being made for the introduction of Tesla in our country, but, as is usually the case in Greece, some unforeseen factors and, above all, bureaucracy, put the plan behind.

The information that was circulated said that it had been done agreement in principle with a Greek entrepreneur, who would take over the "setup" of the Tesla network and how he would "run" it, taking care of the recruitment of personnel. The same plan also included the creation of a new support network for Tesla vehicles on the road, both for technical and day-to-day traffic issues across the country.

However, even for the mind of a far-sighted, inspired and persistent entrepreneur, the Greek bureaucracy and, possibly, what is often hidden behind it, proved to be too strong to take her on.

Because Musk's plan, of course, is not limited to theIt was in the opening of delegations. And, he did not choose Greece by chance. The delegations are just the necessary "cherry on the cake" that the American businessman is preparing.

The man who legend says was so stressed and determined when he first opened Tesla that, for a year, he slept on the floor of the production plant every night, has decided to open car manufacturing plant of the company in Greece. The site, a giant acreage in central Greece, has been found, partners in the business opening the same, and the formalities remained when, in 2012, he decided to take the plunge.

But when the heads of his company asked to meet with Greek government officials, explaining the giant investment being planned and asking for an acceleration of the bureaucratic procedures required to start the project and unblocking the formal (again bureaucratic) reasons that slowed down its start, they received negative answer. But, these are known, written.  
Somehow, they moved their project elsewhere, to a place where there were no bureaucratic reasons not to open an all-electric car factory, the Netherlands. But was that the end of it?

Not for Musk, who is "stuck" that creating a huge production line in our country is too important. Perhaps because his character is such that he can't rest until he gets what he wants done, what he had first conceived in the beginning, perhaps (and) for other reasons. Because, Musk and his people see Greece as the ideal place to set up a Eurasian production line for Tesla. For the obvious, geographical reasons. On top of that, such a large investment in ailing Greece could be Musk's message to support the weak and actively signal his willingness to expand to every corner of the globe. After all, he couldn't help but say that Tesla expresses the future of the automotive world. 

The fact is that the efforts to dThe creation of Tesla Gigafactory in Greece but and for battery manufacturing unit continued.

   The summer

A meeting between Tesla's chief executives and relevant officials of the Greek State was reportedly held last summer. And, although the American company had found (on its own, of course) a way to bypass the vast majority of bureaucratic obstacles, it hit a wall again. Even though the deal with the Greek side now seemed like a "piece of cake". So, they left again with nothing.

But that said, Musk is not a quitter. Not a man who quits easily. He doesn't quit, generally. I wonder, willa pursue the "Greek issue", even if his plan has to be manipulated: That is, first open the Tesla dealerships and then, even years from now, open the factory;  Idomen. At least, we will be able to admire these Tesla's in person, at a Tesla dealership in our country...