Audi : Investing even more in electrification


  Η Audi accelerates its transformation into a networked provider of networked
and sustainable
premium mobility over the next five years. A
a budget of €35 billion has already been approved, with around €17 billion
made available exclusively to future technologies, in a modern reformulation
of "
Head start by Technology".


  In full
assembly with the Volkswagen Group, η Audi boosts investment in electromobility.
In total, around €15 billion will be allocated to electrification technologies. In parallel,
synergies within the Group will be maximised, both at the level of
hardware as well as software. The
improvements in the cost of assets, a more targeted range of models and the
cost savings in areas that do not involve new models are expected to
contribute further to the economic stability of the


  "With the
investment plan that we are announcing, with immediate implementation and up to 2025, will
we make the Audi even more powerful in the new age of automotive. The leading position in the
electrification and fully connected driving, is our goal. We provide
Audi the necessary resources for this," said Dr. Herbert Diess, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of AUDI AG.


in the investment plan will be the synergies within the Volkswagen Group. For example, the Audi develops together with the Porsche την PPE, the premium electric platform  (Premium Platform Electric). At the same time, the Audi uses the MEB for the electric models that it presents directly. The
investments announced are aimed at the implementation of the
Roadmap E, an ambitious plan for all-electric and
electrified models, for which more than the 40% of
total investment. In particular, around €10 billion is earmarked for
pure electric technologies and €5 billion for hybrid technologies.
By 2025, the
AUDI AG will have expanded the range of electric cars that
offers on the market in about 30 models, of which almost 20 will
are powered entirely by batteries.


on digitisation, Markus Duesmann, CEO of Audi, is now Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi.
of the Car.Software-Organisation, the business
management that develops software for the entire Volkswagen Group, achieving significant
συνέργειες και περικοπή κόστους, παρέχοντας στους οδηγούς-πελάτες ακόμα πιο
προηγμένες εμπειρίες και υπηρεσίες. Οι συνέργειες αυτές, όπως περιγράφονται στο
Audi Transformation Plan (ATP – Σχέδιο Μετασχηματισμού Audi) έχουν επιτύχει ήδη εξοικονόμηση
πόρων περίπου 6,5 δισ. ευρώ τα τελευταία τρία χρόνια, ποσό που αναμένεται να
φτάσει τα περίπου 15 δισ. ευρώ έως το 2022.