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The Greek who takes the helm for the electrification of the European automotive industry

One of our compatriots will be asked by the EU to untie the Gordian knot of energy transition


A Greek now takes the "wheel" for the electrification of the European Automotive industry, as it will be called upon by the European Union to untie the Gordian knot of the energy transition.

In particular, the new European Commission was officially announced, which affects the European automotive industry with the ambitious targets of the Green Deal and the looming ban on new petrol and diesel cars from 2035. Among the portfolios distributed, of particular interest is the involvement of the Greek Commissioner, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, in the energy transition, taking on the key area of sustainable transport.

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented the final list of members of the new European Commission. As in the past, certain positions are of particular importance for the future of the automotive industry. In this respect, Spanish socialist Teresa Ribera will be executive vice-president in charge of competition policy and "a clean, fair and competitive transition". In this capacity, according to von der Leyen, Ribera will "lead the work to ensure that Europe remains on track to achieve the goals set out in the European Green Deal" and at the same time to "decarbonise and industrialise" the Union's economy. In effect, the Spanish Commissioner will take over from the controversial Franz Timmermans.

The other Commissioners involved in the energy transition and the automotive industry

Another position of particular importance for the automotive world will be taken up by Frenchman Stéphane Séjourné, who will be Executive Vice President for Industrial Policy. Von der Leyen, who has entrusted cohesion policies and reforms to Italian Raffaele Fitto, has also entrusted Valdis Dombrovskis (now Trade Commissioner) with the Economic Affairs delegation, while Wopke Hoekstra has been confirmed as head of climate action, zero emissions and clean growth. In addition, Jessika Roswall will be Commissioner for Environment, Water and the Circular Economy. Dan Jørgensen will be responsible for energy, Ekaterina Zaharieva for research and innovation and our own Apostolos Tzitzikostas for sustainable transport.

Key role for Tzitzikostas

Although Mr.Tzitzikostas is not directly involved in the green deal, his role is crucial as Commissioner for Sustainable Transport, as his portfolio can unlock the "technological neutrality" for the transition to zero emissions, accompanying electromobility with e-fuels, hydrogen and possible other solutions. Also among its areas of responsibility is the infrastructure of charging stations on EU territory.

Therefore, our country, although it does not have an automotive industry, acquires a role of regulator in the difficult and complex project with a challenging portfolio for Apostolos Tzitzikostas.