Live the Movement in the streets

The 1st Panhellenic After Sales Meeting of CITROËN was successfully held

The 1st Panhellenic After Sales Meeting of the Citroën Network took place on Saturday 6 May 2023, was a success


The participants had the opportunity to be informed about all the digital tools, the new online services available to them in order to offer a high quality experience to customers.

A significant part of the discussions was devoted to issues related to the continuous effort to further improve the quality of After Sales services and customer satisfaction indicators.

Particular emphasis was placed on human contact and communication with customers, which remains extremely important despite the widespread adoption of digital communication methods.

Citroen AS Meeting 1 Με επιτυχία διεξήχθη η 1η Πανελλήνια Συνάντηση After Sales της CITROËN

Particularly important and substantial was the presence of Mr. Polychronis and Mr. John Syngelidis, who with their active participation demonstrated in practice the support to the human resources of the company's partners, but also the continuous investment of the Citroën in the field of after-sales. Also, the General Manager of Citroën, Mr Petros Piperidis, who, among other things, referred to the importance of education and continuous training of staff and placed particular emphasis on Citroën's customer-centric approach and the provision of comprehensive and high-quality after-sales services to customers.