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e.GO opens assets car manufacturing plant in Greece

e.GO opens car production plant in Greece


e.GO opens assets car manufacturing plant in Greece

  Enterprise Greece (Hellenic Investment and Foreign Trade Company S.A.)
is the national body responsible, under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for attracting investment in Greece and promoting exports, with the aim of promoting the country as an attractive investment destination and promoting its competitive export products and services.


  Next.e.GO SE is the only German manufacturer of battery electric vehicles based in Aachen. Through its proprietary disruptive 5G technology and a specially designed, innovative and dynamic BEV platform, e.GO provides electric vehicles with a focus on long life cycle and at attractive prices for consumers.

main theme Εργοστάσιο παραγωγής αυτοκινήτων στην Ελλάδα ανοίγει η e.GO

  The two sides agreed on a "cooperation in principle" and, therefore, have planned to set up a working group in order to define the exact framework and conditions for the implementation of a major investment by the German company in Greece. This investment will be included in the projects of strategic importance and the relevant incentive framework since, in addition to the assembly of cars, Next.e.GO SE will invest in the establishment of a Technology and Innovation Campus in Greece, with respect for the environment and utilization of the domestic market.
human resources.

  An executive delegation of Next.e.GO SE executives held meetings in Greece at the relevant ministries that will be involved for the signing of the "Letter of Intent to cooperate". The contacts will be at a high level of representation, as the discussions will be led on the Enterprise Greece side by the CEO, Mr. George Filiopoulos and on the e.Go side by the Chairman of the Board, Prof. Ulrich Hermann. 

It is estimated that through close cooperation, continuous exchange of constructive views and proper supervision and management of the individual tasks, the agreement will be successfully completed within the next 3 months. It is also foreseen that the project will be completed in 24 months until the full operation of an e.Go production unit in Greece. This project will highlight Greece in the international market as one of the leading European nations in electromobility through the creation of domestic production capacity.