Today is Clean Monday and because we here at are one step ahead of the others, we decided not to fly a kite today. Nor a drone. We decided to take a flight in a Hoversurf. Which, actually, is a flying motorcycle. Goodbye flying DeLorean! The dream is now real!
Yes, some crazy guys from Russia (where else?) did what we were thinking about, but we didn't have the money, the know-how and the guts to create: They formed a startup company, which they called Hoversurf, and created a flying motorcycle.
The Scorpion-3, as it's called, is actually a giant quadcopter, like the ones we buy in the shops (okay, much bigger) and it has a seat. And, unlike previous prototypes that engineers had built, the Scorpion-3 puts control directly in the hands of the pilot, or rather pilot.
For some, it may be a sneak peek into the future of our transportation, but for now, it's nothing more than an adrenaline-generating tool for extreme sports enthusiasts.
Not everything is rosy in Scorpion-3, of course. Hoverbike says it has put in speed and height "cutters" for safety reasons, but you don't want to imagine what would happen if you fell while riding it, or worse, if you crashed with the exposed propellers into someone. So the future where someone/someone runs a red light or drives drunk and cuts your head off "accidentally" can wait. For others. Not for us.