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AUDI2BE TRON2BSPORTBACK 1 1 Audi e-tron : Το νέο best seller ηλεκτρικό στη Νορβηγία

Audi e-tron : The new best-selling electric in Norway


AUDI2BE TRON2BSPORTBACK 1 1 Audi e-tron : Το νέο best seller ηλεκτρικό στη Νορβηγία

  The electric
Audi e-tron was at the top of sales
in Norway for 2020! This is a unique achievement, as in just
5.4 million inhabitants Scandinavian country, the car market is
particularly dynamic, with more than 140,000 new car sales
last year, of which almost 77,000 were all-electric, with 9,227 of these being
is Audi e-tron! In fact, Norway last year became the country that for
for the first time worldwide annual sales of pure electric cars,
outperformed those of petrol, diesel and hybrid cars. 


AUDI2BE TRON2BSPORTBACK 3 Audi e-tron : Το νέο best seller ηλεκτρικό στη Νορβηγία

  According to
the international news agency Reuters, sales of pure electric cars have increased by
cars in Norway in 2020 accounted for 54.3% of the total
registrations, while in 2019 they accounted for 42.4% and a decade ago, only 42.4%, and a decade ago, only


  It is worth mentioning that the diesel models, which in 2011 constituted the
75,7% of total sales, in 2020 they were limited to only 8,6%.


AUDI2BE TRON 1 Audi e-tron : Το νέο best seller ηλεκτρικό στη Νορβηγία

  Sales of pure electric cars in Norway are growing steadily
in recent months. It is typical that last month,
last of 2020, electric car sales reached 66.7% of
total market, a top performance in recent years.


  According to the forecasts for the Norwegian car market, sales of pure
electric models will increase even more and are expected to become the most
more than the 65% on the market in 2021.


AUDI2BE TRON 3 Audi e-tron : Το νέο best seller ηλεκτρικό στη Νορβηγία

Norway, which is an oil-producing country, has ambitions to be a major oil producer by
in 2025 to become the first country in the world to stop selling
internal combustion engine cars, with the car market to
transformed by then into exclusively electric vehicles. For the reason
this, electric vehicles in Norway enjoy generous tax incentives, and the
exemptions, whereas now, with the penetration of electrification being so strong,
incentives that had been specifically established for the dissemination of
electric cars, such as the exemption from paying tolls on the
motorways or free parking in spaces that are normally paid for.