
What to look out for in your car in the heatwave

Do you feel that the... the doors have opened gates of hell; Can you feel your body melting from the heat and you're heading to the beach? At Greece, - in the country where it is not cold, as some... souls say - the heatwave is a rather common thing. Summer entails high temperatures and these, in turn, can have disastrous results for the car and, consequently... pocket yourself. Today, the TopSpeed.gr presents a survival guide to the heatwaveso you don't find yourself in the LEA waiting for the roadside assistance...

In the following tribute, we will see step by step what to look out for, from parking of the car, until the time we will have reached to our destination, safely, comfortably, without much... sweat. So let's see what we need to do in order to have no other stresses than... the beach chair.


It seems obvious, but in Greece, it is of the utmost importance to park our cars - if possible - in a parking lot shady places. The reasons are many and have not only to do with the route to follow, nor with the fact that a burn or even a heat stroke lurking around our entrance in a car that was hours in the sun. They have to do with the lifetime of the car.

In hot weather conditions, our car suffers

If it is not possible to parking in a shady place, such as garages or under trees (be careful cleaning the splashbacks - they damage the paint), at least one heliopreservation is necessary. In countries with hot summers like ours, is rather damage to the dashboard is common from the sun and the heat. It has been observed that some grades of plastics polymerize (they basically become like... mud) and destroyed, while the most frequent damage is the “άνοιγμα” του ταμπλό, especially in the places where the passenger airbag. Τα σημεία αυτά φαίνονται σαν “Cracked” και η ζημιά αυτή not covered by the guarantee given by most car manufacturers, while the repair (replacement) of the dashboard is very costly. Also, the large expansions-constrictions due to temperature differences, have the consequence of the appearance of annoying cracks.

The use of sun protection is advisable, in summer

Likewise, are damaged by the sun and the other surfaces of the interior, such as the skins. In most modern cars, exposure to the sun and high temperatures causes damage to control units, brains, sub-brains and other systems. The screens παθαίνουν ζημιά -μπορούμε να το καταλάβουμε αφήνοντας το smartphone μας στον ήλιο για μια ώρα, αν και δεν… προτείνεται- ενώ σε κάποια αυτοκίνητα, because of the heat do not directly operate some subsystems like bluetooth. This makes sense, considering that high temperatures are the great enemies of semiconductors and computer systems.

Damage is caused and abroad of the car from the exposure to solar radiation. Although most car manufacturers take care of the durability of their paints, the sun is invincible and causes inevitable damage, such as dulling of the color. The use of special creams and a visit to a detailer for color care is not a bad idea.

The sun causes damage to the car dashboard

Another sensitive point, apart from the colour, are the front lamps. Because most car manufacturers do not use crystals, but plastics, the front lights yellow from the sun και “καίγονται”. Το αποτέλεσμα, δεν είναι μόνο unsightlybut it has impact and performance of the lanterns which will need change.

Before we get in the car

In an earlier report, in TopSpeed.gr, we have seen how fast the temperature rises in the cabin of the car. On a day with outside temperature 25 degrees Celsius, after exposing the car to the sun for ten minutes, the temperature in the cabin exceeds the 71. On a day with outdoor temperature 32 degrees Celsius, a car locked in the sun for 2 minutes, it raises the temperature of its cabin to 36 and to the 50 degrees, in the eight minutes.

Βλέπουμε πώς “κοκκινίζει” ο σκαραβαίος σε 10 λεπτά, με εξωτερική θερμοκρασία 26 βαθμών Κελσίου

Why are we saying all this? In the summer, we don't unlock the car and we don't get into it right awayif we have left it in the sun. We first open the doors, allowing the air to recirculate, and then open the windows. Even when we start up and turn on the air-conditioned of the car, we do not close immediately the windows. We make sure that the heat is removed from the cabin so that the air conditioner to cool faster.

This way, with oven gloves, we might save some burns

It goes without saying that be careful what we catch and what we touch. It's not just heatstroke: Catching the steering wheelor a metal lever that has been exposed to the sun, can cause burn. Similarly, it can be burn our feet if we sit in leather (especially black) seat exposed to the sun, wearing shorts or a bathing suit.

The maintenance

Η… “holy trinity" of maintenance ενόψει (ή εν μέσω) καύσωνα και καλοκαιριού, ειναι “water, oil, tyres“. Ας τα δούμε ένα προς ένα.

As regards the cooling system of our car, we take care to have (cooling). It makes sense that the cooling system that working... overtime in summer, is affected by high temperatures. It is essential that our cooling circuit be maintained and especially to be filled with the appropriate antifreeze/refrigerator water. We check the level of, complete it if necessary and check for any damage to it.

This is how we fill the car's radiator.

For the oils, it is good to take a look at their level. If necessary, fill in. Depending on when it was made the last change oil, it is best - if the time is approaching - not to postpone it, but instead to speed it up. This is because the thermal cycle of the engine has smaller range the more high are the temperatures. This practically means that the oil does not change the viscosity so strongly του όσο στους κρύους μήνες (αυτό εξαρτάται και από το λάδι αυτό καθεαυτό). Σε λαϊκά ελληνικά, το λάδι δεν μπορεί τόσο εύκολα να “ανταποκριθεί” στις αλλαγές θερμοκρασίας.

Be careful with the oils. There must always be oil in the engine

Το τρίτο μέλος της “αγίας τριάδας”, the tires, Concerns Anywhere in our car is made of rubber: Όχι μόνο τα “shoes” του, αλλά και webbing, water piping etc. dry or open up from the higher temperatures and the sun. An optical check, or a visit to the garage to have them checked, can't hurt.

Checking our tyres is essential

Now as far as the tyres, we keep in mind that everything depends on the Age and the Maintenance. The more Old are, the more likely they are to result in a pruning due to the heat and, of course, the worse it is the performance their. A detail that not many people know is that in some washing machines car or garages use sugar water/glucose to give them gloss. This ingredient however dries out the tyres and shortens their life cycle. If we want the tyres to shine, it is better to use ειδικά γι’ αυτό το σκοπό προϊόντα which have other chemical compounds which do not affect the chemical composition of rubber.

Some laundries - like the one pictured - use inappropriate washing methods

Η “αγία τριάδα” is not the only one that should concern us. Good is a cleaning and inspection of the air conditioner of our car to ensure that we breathe fresh (cool) air from it. But besides that, it is also good to have cleaning of air passages of the engine by powder, leaves etc. With the sprayer in the washing machine, we give the space a base the muzzle of the car, through which the air enters the engine and to any air ducts. Equally good is a cleaning the fridge and, in case our car is turbo and its intercooler, so as to improve the operation of the device that cools the air entering the supercharger.

The driving

It (and this) goes without saying, but we'll say it: When the weather is very hot...your car... will suffer if we operate the engine close to its limitsor if we overload it. Either way, mainly on the turbo cars, the engine performance in summer is lower because of the difference in atmospheric pressure from the overfill pressure. Most modern engines may be optimized to run at all temperatures, but that doesn't mean they can't be optimized to run at all temperatures. suffering circumstances, which we can also understand from the fact of the of reduced efficiency but also from the fact that do not easily dissipate heat, even when they are blanked (they take a long time to cool down when we switch off). Η “χρυσή” συμβουλή, is not to operate our car in full load on continuous long time.

High temperatures are harmful to a poorly maintained car

As regards the tyres, keep in mind that a old or badly worn tyre can be gasp, or to balloon, if not to cry. But even if they are new, we have to make sure that they are the pressures are right -those specified by the manufacturer; and we reduce the speed us. We go to slower and keep in mind that the temperature of the tyre affected by the driving style. It is basic rule of physics that when the wind heated, increases its volume and consequently, when it increases and the external pressure, ο risk of puncture with disastrous consequences is real. Besides, in the high speeds, η temperature and the air molecules inside the tyre affected by the centrifuge power of rotation of the wheel and develop greater centripetal acceleration resulting in the tyre inflates. So it is much more likely to stall if the pressures are not correct.

As We drive, we keep an eye out (except for the road, of course) and on the operating indicators of the car. We observe the indicator of oil and water temperature (if available) and the other indications of our vehicle.

An common question concerns the optimal how to use the air conditioner. In this section, we have... ready answers to all the questions from the engineers of Skoda Auto. We quote them in full:

The optimum operating temperature of the air conditioner is about 22 degrees

At what temperature do we operate the air conditioner?

In the case of automatic air conditioning, it is necessary to use of the automatic function (indicated by Auto). This option optimises the performance of the air conditioning via the sensors in the car. Η optimal temperature adjustment in the summer months is in the 22 degrees Celsius or so (unless you're a hothead like the author who puts it at 15 degrees). Recall that the lower it is set η θερμοκρασία στον κλιματισμό, τόσο μεγαλύτερη είναι η “πίεση” που δέχεται, άρα τόσο greater consumption.

Correctly adjust the air passage zones

In most new cars, depending on the level of equipment, the driver and passengers can choose between different levels temperatures. This one is necessary and improves the atmosphere in the cabin if the car has large glass surfaces and receives heat from a particular side.

Automatically selected temperature

In all cases the temperature we choose in air conditioning systems is not identified with the one that the human body receives. Usually, their summer months we feel colder air and the winter warmer. The new Skoda models improve through the automatic mode the feeling between the selected and actual temperature, between 18 and 28 degrees Celsius.

How much is consumption affected by air conditioning?

According to Skoda, the modern air conditioning systems you have not no relation to the older ones, in terms of their impact on consumption. This is done through a series of sensors and so the air conditioning can be operated even with zero load.

Air conditioning and health

Plus, air conditioning systems use minimum quantity of coolant and so the effects on the environment are not negative. At the same time, the new filters take care of the air quality in the cabin, while for vulnerable groups with respiratory problem there are special products.

Recyclable or outside air?

Few people know that with a selected automatic operation at the same time the air recycling. In this case the air recycled through the filters and improves the quality of the cabin atmosphere. If air recirculation is selected manually and there is a risk of dazzling the windows, the air conditioning compressor is activated. On Skoda models, if the driver insists on the air recirculation mode without air conditioning, the recirculation button must be pressed twice to disengage the air recirculation compressor.

Stopping by

The most Usual -but criminal- error που κάνουν πολλοί είναι το “five minutes“. Σε μια στάση, κλειδώνουν το αυτοκίνητο, leaving the child inside, or the Homepage. This, we must not do ever. Let's go again: NEVER! Even one minute can bring about martyrdom From heat stroke. We have explained above how quickly the temperature of the interior of the car even with the windows half open, without air conditioning.

NEVER leave children and pets alone in the car

Let's quickly explain what's going on with heat stroke: In the event that one gets it (which we address, of course) the body temperature exceeds the 41 degrees Celsius. Quickly driven in shock. The his myocardium, suffers immediate thermal damage, which means that the heart begins the arrhythmias and does not provide the necessary blood. Almost immediately, they begin the brain damage (due to reduced blood flow), accompanied by muscle aches and pains, vascular events etc. When its temperature reaches 42 degrees, the temperature of the death.

In case of damage

In case of damage to the car, the we immobilize to the side of the roadway, we make sure to place the triangle that warns passing drivers and we move away from the roadway. The driver/passenger drift cars that have come to a standstill are very common. First, then, we make sure we are safe.

The awkward moment when you realise you're going home by bus

In case our car raised temperature, We erase the engine. Open the bonnet and inspect the engine compartment. Never But do not open the cap of the expansion tank of the refrigerator. Why? The cooling circuit is under pressure and if we open the plug, the refrigerator fluids will be launched with pressure on us (usually in the face), causing us to Burns.

Here there is the possibility that there is a slight warming issue

We check in refrigerator space and without touching - the temperatures are very high - if there is a leak From piping thermostat, refrigerator and generally from wherever the water passes. We leave a period of time 10-15 minutes for the engine to cool down and then, very carefully unscrew the cap of the expansion tank. If we have not identified leak, supplement liquid in the fridge. If we do not have antifreeze with us, we add with bottled water (we avoid that of the tap, due to salts). If there is leakage from the fridge, we have no other solution than to call the road assistance.

We never stay on the road in case of damage

There are also other cases of damage due to temperatures. Η oil shortage (follow the same procedure and complete) or, in the case where the thermostat μπορεί να κολλήσει. Αν ο θερμοστάτης κολλήσει κλειστός, ο κινητήρας υπερθερμαίνεται. Αν κολλήσει ανοιχτός, δε φτάνει ούτε καν θερμοκρασία λειτουργίας. Πλέον και οι θερμοστάτες είναι ηλεκτρονικά ελεγχόμενοι στα αυτοκίνητα, οπότε είναι σπάνιο να βιώσουμε κάτι τέτοιο- το πιθανότερο είναι να δούμε το γνωστό λαμπάκι “check engine”.

After we arrive

At older technology cars and especially in turbo -and the much-loved Wankel rotary engines- was common, after we arrived to our destination to leave 1 minute at idle to gradually cool down and avoid cracking the bodies, shells, piping. This, in modern technology cars it is not necessary.

Αυτή η διατομή του συστήματος ψύξης φρένων της Porsche 911 996 GT2 απλά μας άρεσε. Γι’ αυτό τη βάλαμε

What is necessary, however, is to pay attention to where, how and especially what we leave in the car us. If we can't find a shady place to park it, we'll put reflectors on the windscreen. We make sure not to leave Objects that could cause ignition. Such are the lighters, Spraybut also objects that are not in our minds. The example of the Wisconsin Fire Department in the USA is a typical example of a fire department that issued Directive whereby forgotten bottle of antiseptic in a car can ignite at high temperatures-under certain conditions, of course. Dozens of objects can prove dangerous, from a pair of glassesuntil a plastic that will melt on the dashboard.

George Karagiannis

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