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Renault had its worst day in 22 years

Ο nightmare for the Renault, τώρα ξεκίνησε… Απώλειες σχεδόν EUR 5 billion Renault had the biggest correction (up to 13.5%)) in Thursday's session on the Paris stock exchange. After the French news agency revealed that the French authorities had launched investigations into possible violations in emissions of the automaker's vehicles, its shares began to plummet by 10.3% (closed at fall -10,28%, at 77,75 euros, while during the session the fall had reached 20%).

It was the worst day for Renault since 1994, when it entered the CAC 40, as foreign and French funds moved to mass liquidations, as a result of reports that Reanult is also involved in emissions scandalsimilar to the one that recently shook the Volkswagen dragging down the German car industry.
With the Peugeot retreating by 5,2%, the Fiat by 8,9% and the  Daimler AG by 3.9%, the French Finance Minister Emmanuel Macron, rather τρομαγμένος από το “κραχ” που φαινόταν να έρχεται, έσπευσε να διασκεδάσει τις εντυπώσεις:  “This is in no way a situation comparable to that of Volkswagen“, είπε και τόνισε  ότι παραμένει αμείωτη η “εμπιστοσύνη του στον όμιλο” της Ρενό, ενώ πρόσθεσε ότι οι υπηρεσίες του διεξήγαγαν “πολλούς ελέγχους και έρευνες από τον Σεπτέμβριο για να επαληθευτεί η reliability και η ποιότητα των πληροφοριών που δόθηκαν στους καταναλωτές”.

The French Minister for the Environment, Ségolène Royal, made it clear that the checks carried out on Renault's cars did not disclose the existence of counterfeiting software of the emission results of the French car industry's diesel engines.

"There was no fraud στη Renault. Οι μέτοχοι και οι εργαζόμενοι μπορούν να είναι ήσυχοι”, υποστήριξε.

The French Ministry of Economic Affairs visited some of Renault's premises involved in standards testing and engine certification, carried out checks and confiscated computers. This event left the impression that the investigation is related to emissions standards, in the wake of the Volkswagen scandal.Since September, when the US regulator disclosed that Volkswagen had cheated on the testing of diesel vehicles, car manufacturers have been under scrutiny. The French authorities launched an investigation into VW in September and pledged to extend it to all car manufacturers, including Renault and Peugeot/Citroen.

 But the damage had already been done. Το μέγεθός της, το δίνουν οι αριθμοί:  Με αποτίμηση περίπου 21 δισ ευρώ (μετά και τη σημερινή…κατρακύλα) δηλαδή όσο το 12-13% του ελληνικού ΑΕΠ η Renault αποτελούν με την Peugeot το “δίδυμο αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας” μεταξύ των 40 εισηγμένων/μετοχών του κυριότερου χρηματιστηριακού δείκτη CAC 40. Τα 5 δις που έχασε η Renault σε μια μέρα, δεν είναι και αμελητέα..

George Karagiannis

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