Live the Movement in the streets

Two-day Open Test-Drive by A. Makris SA

Το Event της χρονιάς με δοκιμαστική οδήγηση Citroen, Opel και MG


A. Makris SA, Official Distributor and Repairer of Citroën, Opel, MG, SEAT and Cupra in Greece, shakes up the waters with the first Two-Day Open Test Drive Event of the year.

Saturday 25 January @ 9.00-18.00 & Sunday 26 January @ 9.00-14.30 at our exhibitions:
- CITROËN, OPEL: 98 Marinou Antipa, Nea Ionia | Tel: 210 271 5445-6
- MG: 94 Marinos Antypa 94, Nea Ionia 14235 | Tel: 210 710 4317

We open our doors to present the new models of our Citroën, Opel and MG family and offer a Test-Drive to all participants.

Declaration of Participation: or by phone at the two sales points.

What will the attendees experience?

Your own Sales Consultant, fully knowledgeable about the car, will answer every question about the models you are interested in, all in one meeting!
- You'll have access to advanced Petrol, Hybrid and Electric vehicles to find the one that's right for you,
- Your offer, exclusive to the event, will have SPECIAL offers, don't miss them,
- He was the first in Greece to drive the completely NEW OPEL GRANDLAND and the NEW MG3 1.5cc 110hp,
- We have secured 2024 prices for your offer from CITROËN,
- An unbeatable benefit in Hybrid vehicles.

Vehicles available on the days of the Event for Test Driving:

- CITROËN C3 Petrol
- OPEL Corsa Petrol & Hybrid
- OPEL Moka Petrol & Hybrid
- NEW OPEL Grandland Hybrid, you will be the first to drive it!
- MG3 Hybrid+ & with new 1.5cc / 110 HP petrol engine you will be the first to drive it too!
- MG ZSmax Hybrid+
- MG ZS Petrol